The Cirries Network Excellence Force is a vast array of network intelligence agents devoted to keeping networks secure and operating at peak performance. There are lots of moving parts to this team, so here is a brief introduction to some of the network excellence superheroes.
DART stands for Data Analysis in Real Time. While no one sees Director DART, he’s the brainy engine behind the Cirries Network Excellence Force. Director DART develops network performance and security strategies for each network based on the specific instructions of that network’s owner or operator.
Through Captain Cirries, Director DART then allocates CNEF resources to implement those strategies to maintain network excellence and data safety.
Captain Cirries is the in-the-trenches manager of the Cirries Network Excellence Force. His role is to implement the network excellence strategies developed by Director DART and allocate agents in the network according to Director DART’s plans.
To do that, Captain Cirries assigns tasks to agents based on each agent’s network specialty.
Nano’s expertise is the metadata generated in the network that provides insights to performance and security issues. These metadata reveal the network performance, and she hangs out and interprets logs and traps generated by the network elements to watch for any degradation in performance. If she finds problems, she reports instantly to Director DART to develop a real-time solution.
Nano is all business and not terribly impressed by the occasional antics of her packet special colleagues.
Networks consist of trillions of packets. Each individual packet contains information (data). A lot of that data is irrelevant to network performance, but some of it is. It is Jiffy’s job to monitor the packet flows of a network and find trends and anomalies that might degrade network performance, like retransmitted or delayed packets.
When he spots a packet issue, he instantly relays that information to Director DART to develop a real-time solution and get the network running flawlessly and securely once more.
Streak has the same official job in the Cirries Network Excellence Force as does his buddy, Jiffy. His unofficial role is keeping Jiffy, a bit of an absent-minded professor at times, focused. Together, the two of them roam the network always on the lookout for any packet flow that doesn’t look right or doesn’t belong there, possibly impairing network performance or endangering network security.
Streak can also alert Director DART in real time to any packet issues that need a quick fix. The two make a strong team.