Exceptional 5G Customer Experience Depends on Network Excellence

5G arrives with a lot of expectations. At the top of that list is the superior quality of customer service made possible by 5G’s far higher data speeds, much lower latency, and ultra-quick service enablement.

None of that happens without network excellence, however. Network excellence is the key to 5G success for any organization, enterprise or CSP. This means comprehensive network performance monitoring is no longer an option or afterthought. 5G’s complexities make it mandatory.

Maybe your organization is just now looking at 5G. Perhaps running a 5G test, or going full bore into 5G. No matter where your organization is on its 5G journey, you need data analysis in real time (DART). DART makes network excellence possible, whether that network is exclusively 5G or a combination of generations.

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DART consists of unique, next-gen network tools for monitoring, securing, and traffic engineering the 5G network to guarantee the best user experience imaginable.

DART helps maximize network uptime and overall network performance. Software based, DART evolves continually, eliminating future obsolescence.

Need industry specific information on what 5G with DART can do?  Follow the links below.